Time Handicaps:

ClubChampionship 24-25 time handicaps.pdf
Championship Rules:
1. The competition is based on time handicaps derived from grades/rating, and is designed to give all members an opportunity to win or at least qualify for the final group.
2. All players should attempt to play a single game against all others by Feb 24th 2025. Games can be arranged by mutual agreement prior to the club night, and anyone failing to appear on an arranged date may have the game defaulted, at the discretion of the controller (Nick).
3. Points Scored: WIN = 3 points; DRAW = 2 points; LOSS = 1 point
4. TIME HANDICAP: New (Aug 2024) ECF ratings have been converted to old grade values. [Rapidplay ratings or estimates are used if no ECF standard rating is available ]
Each player has a starting allocation of 75 minutes for the whole game.
Before play begins, for every grade point difference between the two players, 1 minute is added to the lower player’s clock and 1 minute subtracted from the higher player.
i.e. each grading point difference = 2 minutes time difference.
NOTE: If the rating difference is greater than 63, the minumum time will be 12
minutes and maximum will be 138 minutes (see cross-table).
5. All points scored (including lost-game points) will be totalled after 28th February. It is not compulsory to have played all games; the aim is simply to cumulate enough points to come in the top four.
6. Final Play-Off:
The top four qualify for a final all-play-all group, the winner of which is club champion.
Colours are reversed from the initial game. Normal handicap rules apply for clock times.
In the event of a tie the lowest graded player takes priority in both the Initial
Qualifier and the Final Sections.
7. How to use the Cross-Table:
Find your name on the left and read across to find your own clock time under your opponent’s column. Adjust your clock to give yourself the time shown.
Clock times shown in Red means you have White.
After the game, write in the result in the same box (Win = 3, Draw = 2, Loss = 1).
8. Plate and Spoon Competitions
After the Initial Qualifier is completed, non-qualifiers will automatically be allocated to the
‘Plate’ and ‘Spoon’ all-play-all sections. Colours are reversed from the initial game.
Normal handicap rules apply for clock times.
All play-off games must be played and results entered by Monday 28 April 2025 at the latest.
Games not played will be counted as a ‘double zero’